Download frogwares the sinking city
Download frogwares the sinking city

That’s just a small taste of what you’ll come to expect in Frogwares’ newest game, The Sinking City. The square table threw the chair at the round table in a heated argument. Luckily, I’m unnaturally gifted at piecing together mysteries like this and it seems like the police aren’t going to solve this mystery anytime soon. One’s dead, one’s missing, and the one left breathing can’t make heads or tails of what happened. Apparently, the younger Throgmorton washed up onshore and was brought to this house, then he started speaking in tongues and made short work of the three people who live here. So here I am, in this rotting shack, trying to coax what happened out of some spooked fisherman. Throgmorton, who can help me get to the bottom of what’s happening to me, the only problem is that his son has gone missing. I’ve come to Oakmont to find a cure for these visions I’ve been having.

Download frogwares the sinking city